The Call to Anacortes, Washington…
In a world of chaos, we serve a God who is never changing, all-knowing, and still is working things together for those who love Him. We are in a season of grace and opportunity, not to have to conform to the world and agendas around us. Living in a free nation, living in a Capitalist country, there is so much opportunity for us to rise up and serve one another. Since March 2024, the Lord continues to download things for us to help get started… He hears your prayers and cries, and He is answering. But you were also created for such a time as this, will you answer the call to any of these great projects?
Get Involved in our Anacortes Projects!
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go"
Joshua 1:9